0300 333 0303

We are a specialist law firm working in association with UnionLine, the trade union law firm for members of GMB and the Communication Workers Union.

Health and safety

We provide legal services in Scotland, giving specialised, local support to trade union members on a range of legal issues, including personal injury and employment law claims.

We also work closely with UnionLine and union officers to make sure members get the best support from us and their union.

As well as personal injury and employment claims we also provide advice to members on a broad range of general legal issues through the UnionLine helpline.

UnionLine was established by the GMB and CWU unions to provide a broad range of legal services to their members. Their aim is to provide the first line of support to members for any legal need.

To start your claim with UnionLine Scotland, please contact UnionLine on 0300 333 0303*


Why not use our online claim checker to see if you could potentially make a claim?

Click here to try it…


Join A Union

If you are not a member of GMB or CWU you can join by following the links below:

CWU - The Communications UnionGMB logo
UNIONLINE SCOTLAND is a trading style of DJ Mackay & Partners LLP which is a limited liability partnership registered in Scotland and is an outsourced agent of UNIONLINE. UNIONLINE is a trading name of Trade Union Legal LLP, Company Registration OC388189, Registered as a Limited Company in England and Wales, UNIONLINE is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 608309.
* Telephone calls to UNIONLINE SCOTLAND will initially be dealt with by UNIONLINE at their Sheffield offices. Should your matter be accepted for legal support it will then be transferred to UNIONLINE SCOTLAND. By providing instructions to UNIONLINE you agree for your information to be shared with UNIONLINE SCOTLAND.